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Course Catalog > Home and Garden > Gardening

Discovering the Bugs in Your Garden   

This course is aimed at discovering the amazing world of insects, spiders, and other creatures that live just outside your door. Some you see all the time, like honeybees or white butterflies. But is there still more to learn about their lives, and what they contribute to yours? Others you might not have noticed yet. This course will help you discover them for the first time. A few bugs are pests; many more are beneficial or simply beautiful. We'll learn about them all as we learn to welcome them into our gardens, and to be better caretakers and citizens of the planet we share with these fascinating beings.
  • Discovering the Bugs in Your Garden • SUMMER


  • Item: 9925      Fee: $120.00

    Instructor: Bruce Congdon

  • Dates: 7/10/2024 - 7/31/2024   Times: 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

  • Sessions: 4 W; 8 hours

  • Building: CC Bldg   Room: Room 3349

  • Location: 9600 College Way N Seattle, WA 98103

  • CE classes are intended for adults 18 and up unless otherwise noted. Please see Continuing Education Policies to learn more about our underage waiver, refund, and cancellation policies.

  • Are you an au pair? Do you need documentation for work that you attended class? Don’t forget to register for the CEU or Clock Hours fee.


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