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Teenage Novelist: The Novel in a Nutshell   

Do you become offended when your friends ask whether Marvin Whickpucket is a real person? Obviously he’s real; he’s in your novel. So are the 43 space-time portals which can be accessed only by eating waffles. If this makes sense to you, we’re here to help. Novel-in-a-Nutshell will launch your idea or help you find one, or get that manuscript you’re stuck on back in action. We’ll discover where the best ideas come from, and do an overview of plot structure, characterization, and scene-writing. Each class allows for hands-on exercises based on your work-in-progress and time for group critique.

** Registration for teen class must be made under participating student's name. NOTE: This may require creating a new profile for the registration.

Please click here to download our "Teen Authorization and Release" form and e-mail your completed form to


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