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Digital Decluttering: How to Organize Your Computer   

Did you just save something on your computer and now you have no idea where it is? Or download a photo from an email or your camera but can’t find it? Or you’ve just scanned a document but seem to have lost it? If you answered “Yes,” then this class is for you! It’s time to take control of your computer and learn how and where your files live. We will discuss creating and managing your folders, moving files, and deleting trash and downloads folders so that your computer is cleaned and organized so that you can easily find your files. Also, why are there so many duplicates? We will clean and organize both your document folder and your picture folder. We will discuss the differences between files, file extensions, and file folders. Not for new computer users. For Mac and PC computers.

The instructor will lecture the first week, going through all the different areas that students may want to declutter and how to do it. The following two weeks are completely hands on. Students work on decluttering their own materials. Instructor will help as needed.

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Adult & Community Enrichment Center at Suncoast Technical College | Grades: Adults | Website:
Danelle Gilberti, Program Manager | Phone: 941-361-6590 | Fax: 941-925-6662
Address: 4748 Beneva Road | Sarasota, Florida 34233 | Map it.

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