Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple and learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen. -John Steinbeck
Nurture your great ideas this fall under the tutelage of our expert instructors! If you've been working on a play, try out Playwright's Playground for pointers on formatting, dialogue, and other essential elements to get your play "from the page to the stage."
For fiction and nonfiction writers, Creative Writing Workshop or Storyteller's Bootcamp can give your writing that creative boost. It always helps to study the work of great writers. To dive into the power of short-form writing, see how two masters approach the form, with Roaring Twenties Revisited: The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald, a collection that perfectly captures life in the 1920s; and Nature's Tapestry: Annie Dillard's America, a course studying how Dillard brings together short-style pieces that are able to stand alone, but strung together become a beautiful memoir.
For course description, click on the course title below. Hover on instructor name for biography.