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Course Catalog > Personal Enrichment

American Sign Language - Intermediate 1   

Our intermediate classes continue immersion conversational signing, and dives more in depth about ASL grammar such as classifiers, spatial reasoning, agreement verbs, role shifting, etc. We will also continue learning about Deaf Culture. This class also focuses on receptive skills (being able to read signs) and introduces translating from English grammar to ASL grammar.

  • American Sign Language - Intermediate 1

  •  Show Description


  • Fee: $149.00

  • Instructor:

    Capacity Remaining: 10

  • Dates: 8/12/2024 - 9/30/2024

    Times: 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

  • Sessions: 14

    Days: M W

  • Building: McReynolds Building

    Room: 203

  • Prerequisites: ASL Beginners or approval by instructor.

  • Classes will not be held September 2.


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