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Course Catalog > English Language Institute > Intensive English Program

Speaking, Listening and Pronunciation Levels 4-5   

Following placement testing, students will be placed in the appropriate level of this course (4 or 5).

This course will help students improve their speaking, listening and pronunciation skills in English through the use of small group activities, role playing, and various other assignments to give students authentic listening and speaking practice on various topics. Students will practice skills and strategies needed for college study such as academic lecture comprehension, note-taking skills and participation in class discussions and debates, in addition to real life communication situations. There will be oral presentations in front of the class and in small groups to build confidence.

  • Speaking, Listening and Pronunciation Levels 4-5

  • REGISTRATION FOR THIS CLASS IS CLOSED. This class is already in session.
  • Following placement testing, students will be placed in the appropriate level of this course (4 or 5).

    This course will help students improve their speaking, listening and pronunciation skills in English through the use of small group activities, role playing, and various other assignments to give students authentic listening and speaking practice on various topics. Students will practice skills and strategies needed for college study such as academic lecture comprehension, note-taking skills and participation in class discussions and debates, in addition to real life communication situations. There will be oral presentations in front of the class and in small groups to build confidence.


  • Fee: $606.00

  • Instructor: Andrew Ross

    Capacity Remaining: 10

  • Dates: 10/14/2024 - 12/11/2024

    Times: 11:45 AM - 3:15 PM

  • Sessions: 18

    Days: M W

  • Building: McReynolds Building

    Room: 219A

  • No class 11/11 No class 11/27

Some Title