Make your very own rustic risers while learning important woodworking skills along the way! Use these decorative stands to display plants, add a little height to bookshelf décor or buffets,and more.
Students will:
- Make 1-2 small risers, depending on skill level and speed
- Learn to select pieces of wood with desired characteristics
- Learn to properly measure and mark workpieces
- Learn safety & techniques on the chop saw; cut wood to length
- Learn safety & techniques on power sanders to distress, shape, and smooth wood
- Choose ball feet or cylindrical legs (and cut to desired height)
- Learn basics of a household drill to add dowels to strengthen joints
- Learn finishing options (oils, stains, etc.) and techniques. A few options of low-VOC finishes will be available to be applied in-class, if desired and time-permitting. Students may apply other self-provided finishes at home.
Appropriate for beginners or anyone who would like to refresh their basic woodworking skills. All materials and tools will be provided. Students may bring pen and paper to take notes, and any preferred safety equipment (such as glasses or hearing protection) or small tools from home, if desired. Students should wear closed-toed shoes and dress to allow ease of movement.