Overview of Strengthening Community College Grant:
The Strengthening Community Colleges Training Grant (referred to as Strengthening Community Colleges or SCC) awarded by the U.S Department of Labor (DOL) aims to build the capacity of community colleges to collaborate with employers and the public workforce development system to meet local and regional labor market demand for a skilled workforce. The grant also builds the capacity of community colleges to address challenges associated with the COVID-19 health crisis, such as expanding online and technology-enabled learning and migrating services to a virtual environment.
Who We Are:
The City University of New York’s Community Colleges Consortium (CUNYCCC), consists of Queensborough Com-munity College (QCC) as the lead applicant, representing a consortium of Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs), with the Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC), Bronx Community College (BCC), Hostos Community College (HCC), Kingsborough Community College (KBCC) and LaGuardia Community College (LAGCC), the Central Office of Continuing Education and Workforce Partnerships at the City University of New York as the IHE Coordi-nating Entity, the New York City Workforce Development Board (NYC WDB) and public and private sector partners and community-based organizations.
What We Do:
The CUNYCCC will create and implement systemic change throughout the collective CUNY Continuing Education and Workforce Development (CEWD) programs to create one, unified Workforce Development Ecosystem, de-signed to:
• Increase the capacity and responsiveness of community colleges to address the skill development needs of employers and dislocated and unemployed workers, incumbent workers, and new entrants to the workforce.
• Offer a spectrum of workers and other individuals accelerated career pathways that enable them to gain skills and transition from unemployment to (re)employment quickly.
• Address the new challenges associated with the COVID-19 health crisis that necessitate social distancing practices to expand online and technology-enabled learning and migrate services to a virtual environment.
The CUNYCCC will focus on three in-demand Industry Sectors in NYC: Technology, Health Care and Education. The US DOL SCC Grant will build the capacity of CUNY community colleges to collaborate with employers and the pub-lic workforce development system to meet local and regional labor market demand for a skilled workforce.
January 27, 2020 CUNY Consortium Receives Grant from U.S. Dept. of Labor: Will Fund BMCC EMS Path-way Program
BMCC was awarded $700K (2021 - 23) as part of the CUNY Consortium (QCC lead) DOL Strengthen Com-munity College Grant to create system change. Grant will fund training program that allows high school seniors to earn college credit while preparing for EMT careers. BMCC has developed an enhanced CTE EMT pathway for H.S. training model with dual enrollment, earned credits and industry micro credentials.
The EMT CTE pathway consists of two parts: 1) Fall Semester - Students participate in a pre health science bridge program inclusive of career readiness skills and the opportunity to earn 21st Century Skills micro credential badges. 2) Spring Semester - Selected candidates from the pre health bridge program will be accepted into BMCC's dual enrollment EMT occupation training with earned college credits towards AAS degree.
Students (rising seniors) who successfully complete the program will:
• Understand the pathways entry into the field of EMT
• Develop EMT related technical skills
• Experiential learning
• Gain soft skill competencies with opportunity to earn standardized digital badges
• Earn 4 college credits towards an Associate of Applied Science degree in Paramedics
• Opportunity to take the EMT State Exam and CPR certification.
• Receive EMT related supplies
• Opportunity for Job Placement Assistance
Fall 2021 - Spring 2022. BMCC has partnered with two (2) CTE High Schools - Urban Assembly School for Emergency Management and Union Square Academy for Health Sciences.
Fall 2022 - Spring 2023. Currently Accepting Applications for Sponsored Partnership. NYDOE CTE High Schools interested in an EMT CTE training partnership contact Prof. Meghan Williams at mewilliams@bmcc.cuny.edu for further information.
This workforce product was funded by a grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. The product was created by the recipient and does not necessarily reflect the offi-cial position of the U.S. Department of Labor. The Department of Labor makes no guarantees, warranties, or assurances of any kind, express or implied, with respect to such information, including any information on linked sites and including, but not limited to, accuracy of the information or its completeness, timeliness, usefulness, adequacy, continued availability, or ownership. This product is copyrighted by the institution that created it.