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Continuing Education Programs > Conference Services > TEDx Bradley University

TEDx Bradley University   

Our theme is "Discovery and Value Creation," based on technology, artificial intelligence, innovation, sustainability, energy, and human thought and expression. Our speakers include a mix of experts from the Bradley University community, government leaders, and trail-blazing entrepreneurs, whose presentations will stimulate and engage through thought-provoking ideas and innovative discoveries that can transform human experience.


  1. Deepak Gaddipati, Founder and Chief Technology Officer of VirtuSense
  2. Maj. Gen. Gary Dylewski, Air Force
  3. Heather Ford, Interactive Media Asssociate Chair, Bradley University
  4. Brad Eskridge, Instructor, Marketing, Bradley University
  5. David Spelman, Associate Professor, Engineering, Bradley University
  6. Seth Katz, Associate Chair and Professor, English, Bradley University

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