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Foreign Language   

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  • Conversations, grammaire et culture
  • Fee: $250.00
    Item Number: WI24LALA008501
    Dates: 1/14/2025 - 3/11/2025
    Times: 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
    Days: Tu
    Sessions: 8
    Building: Brookline High School
    Room: Posted on site, 115 Greenough Street Brookline, MA 02445
    Instructor: Sandy Lampert

    This class has already begun. For more information, please call the BA&CE office at 617-730-2700 ext. 0.

    This course is taught in a spiral rather than a straight line. Instead of learning rules in a linear way with a textbook, we focus on becoming confident speakers through the combination of orally applied grammar. We will study authentic situations and circle key structures of French for proficiency. For students who have completed French V or its equivalent, and have some mastery of the three main verb groups, and être, avoir, aller, faire, and savoir, and the passé composé, imparfait, and future tenses. We will consolidate those in practical, fun speaking-intensive exercises while also familiarizing yourself more with other key structures of the language the subjonctif, les pronoms relatifs, and elusive connecting words like en and y. A particular emphasis will be placed on learning what is necessary to travel to a French-speaking country. Course materials will be made available online for students and by students to either access electronically and/or print.


  • Conversations en Français
  • Fee: $250.00
    Item Number: WI24LALA002301
    Dates: 1/16/2025 - 3/13/2025
    Times: 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
    Days: Th
    Sessions: 8
    Building: Brookline High School
    Room: Posted on site, 115 Greenough Street Brookline, MA 02445
    Instructor: Sandy Lampert

    This class has already begun. For more information, please call the BA&CE office at 617-730-2700 ext. 0.

    Pour ceux qui parlent déjà français et qui veulent maintenir ou améliorer leur niveau de langue. Nous travaillerons dans des séances de conversation sur des sujets divers afin d'enrichir votre vocabulaire et de développer votre sens de l'expression idiomatique français. En plus de la production orale, objectif essentiel du cours, nous reverrons des points de grammaire, lirons des extraits de textes francophones, écouterons de la musique et regarderons des documents audiovisuels. Pas de cours la semaine du 7 février, 2025.


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