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BLS CPR for Healthcare   

Prepare to be a lifeline in emergencies with our Healthcare BLS (Basic Life Support) course, primarily for healthcare workers and/or first responders. This training equips you with essential skills in adult, child, and infant CPR, AED usage, as well as includes additional life-saving techniques that can help those experiencing cardiac arrest, respiratory distress, or an obstructed airway. AHA Basic Life Support (BLS) Provider Course is classroom-based, teaches both single-rescuer and team Basic Life Support skills for application both in-facility and prehospital settings. Teaches critical skills of high-quality CPR, to recognize several life-threatening emergencies, use of an AED, rescue breaths with bag-mask, relieve choking, and closed loop communication. Upon completion, students will receive a two-year Certification Card that follows the American Heart Association guidelines.


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