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Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2019/Office 365   

If you work with data of any kind, knowing how to create a spreadsheet is key to effectively managing and organizing information. This course will introduce you to Microsoft Excel 2019 and teach you how to use this powerful software.

Do you manage large sets of numbers, names, dates, or other pieces of information? If so, then you need to create worksheets to manage, store, organize, and even analyze this information. Excel, Microsoft's powerful spreadsheet software, is the most widely-used program to handle this task. In fact, most workplaces require that new employees have a basic level of understanding of Microsoft Excel.

If you want to learn the 2019 version of Microsoft Excel, this course will introduce you to the program's basic functions and uses. Through hands-on lessons, you will learn numerous shortcuts to quickly and efficiently set up worksheets. You will also learn how to use the function wizard to calculate statistics, future values, and more. In addition, you will get tips on sorting and analyzing data, creating three-dimensional workbooks, and automating frequently-repeated tasks with macros and buttons. By the time you're done, you will know how to use this vital Office 2019 tool.


Hardware Requirements:

  • This course must be taken on a PC. It is not suitable for Macs or Chromebooks.

Software Requirements:

  • PC: Windows 10 or later.
  • Browser: The latest version of Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox are preferred. Microsoft Edge is also compatible.
  • Microsoft Excel 2019 (desktop version), available to download with the desktop version of Microsoft 365, or Microsoft Office Home and Student 2019 (not included in enrollment).
  • Note: The "Starter Version" and "Web App" versions of Microsoft will not work with the full version taught in this course.
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader.
  • Software must be installed and fully operational before the course begins.


  • Email capabilities and access to a personal email account.

Instructional Material Requirements:

The instructional materials required for this course are included in enrollment and will be available online.

Learn to quickly and efficiently use Microsoft Excel 2019/Office 365 as you discover dozens of shortcuts and tricks for setting up fully formatted worksheets. This course, taught by an experience Microsoft Excel instructor, provides in-depth knowledge for beginners that will have you using Excel like a pro.

Excel Basics

In this lesson, you'll develop a solid understanding of the Excel interface. You'll become fluent in the secret language spoken only by Excel users, you'll discover the best way to correct just about any mistake you might make in Excel, and you'll find yourself gliding effortlessly from cell to cell, leaving behind expertly written labels, numbers, and formulas.

Creating a Worksheet

In this lesson, you'll learn five simple steps you should always follow to ensure that your worksheets are always well-planned, well-constructed, and beautifully formatted.


This lesson will teach you the tricks of the Excel masters: a wide variety of useful shortcuts guaranteed to save you time, energy, and frustration. You'll also spend some time working with the Quick Analysis and Flash Fill tools. By the time you finish this lesson, you'll really start to feel like an Excel pro.

Relative, Absolute, Mixed, and Circular References

Do you know the difference between a relative reference, an absolute reference, a mixed reference, and a circular reference? You will after this lesson. In this lesson, you'll learn to write sophisticated formulas that can help ease you through some rather sticky scenarios.

Three-Dimensional Workbooks

With enough practice, most Excel users quickly become adept at organizing their worksheets across two dimensions: rows and columns. But only a select few will learn how to take their worksheets into the third dimension. In this lesson, you'll join that exclusive group. Prepare to have your socks knocked off as you gain hands-on experience in the construction of three-dimensional workbooks.

Sorting, Subtotaling, and Filtering

No Excel course would be complete without a discussion of Excel's amazing data-crunching capabilities. In this lesson, you'll learn how to build a table in Excel as well as how to subtotal, sort, and filter.

Charting Basics

In this lesson, you'll explore the exciting world of charts. You'll build your first graph and learn how easy it is to adjust the chart type, labels, titles, colors, and other aspects of your chart.

Advanced Charting Techniques

In this lesson, you'll dig deep into Excel's charting capabilities. You'll explore everything from bar charts and line charts to more prosaic graphs like the pie chart and 3D charts. You'll find out how to personalize your charts with photographs, text labels, and drawings. You'll also discover the best ways to format your chart for print or otherwise display the truly impressive charts that you'll be creating.

Intro to Excel's Statistical Functions

Excel includes many powerful functions that can automatically perform some very complicated tasks for you. In this lesson, you'll learn some very interesting ways to put these functions to work for you. You'll find out how to ask Excel to magically derive averages, modes, maximums, minimums, and other useful statistics from nothing more than a column or two of numbers.

Financial Functions

You'll continue your exploration of Excel functions with an in-depth look at Excel's handy financial functions. By the time this lesson is over, you'll be able to figure out how much money you'll have when you retire, when your kids reach college, or just before your next vacation. You'll be able to calculate the monthly payment on just about any type of loan, and you'll know how to figure out how long it will take to pay off your credit cards. You'll even create an amortization table of your very own, just like the one lenders use to track a loan's payoff amount over time.

Worksheet Automation

In this lesson, you'll find out how to automate just about any task you find tedious or time-consuming. You'll discover how to move your most frequently used commands from their present, obscure locations to a much more convenient place: the toolbar that's always perched at the very top of your screen. You'll also learn how you can use macros to reduce just about any complex task to a single keystroke.

Mastering Excel's IF Function

You'll be intrigued by the final lesson, in which you'll learn how to use Excel to aid you in decision making. You'll use a special function in Excel that allows it to make comparisons and use those comparisons as the basis for important decisions.

What you will learn

  • How to create worksheets, charts, and graphs
  • Methods for sorting and analyzing automating often repeated tasks
  • How to parse data with Flash Fill
  • Important keyboard shortcuts

How you will benefit

  • Knowing how to use Excel 2019 will make you a more productive member of your organization
  • Gain indispensable skills that will be useful for numbers-based reporting
  • Develop skills that can be used to simplify your life of calculating and displaying numbers both personally and professionally

Chad Wambolt has spent his entire professional career in the finance field, working for both private and publicly-held companies with sales ranging from $500 million to $3 billion. He is a graduate of Boise State University, where he obtained his bachelor's degree in accounting. Through the course of his career, Wambolt became an expert user of Microsoft Excel. Since 1997, he has taught Excel to students of varying skill levels and helped organizations streamline internal processes.

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