Follow-up to our popular Speed Spanish course with several new ways to help you build fluency.Have you ever seen a non-native speaking Spanish fluently? Were you impressed? Would you like to become more conversational and more comfortable in Spanish-speaking situations? Now you can.
Our Speed Spanish courses are unlike any other Spanish classes you may have ever taken. You will see words, hear them pronounced properly, and be granted plenty of opportunities to practice your pronunciation. Then, you will learn several clever recipes that you can use to glue the words together into sentences. Enroll in Speed Spanish II, and you will see an immediate improvement in your Spanish fluency from the very first lesson.
Hardware Requirements:
- This course can be taken on either a PC or Mac.
Software Requirements:
- PC: Windows 8 or later.
- Mac: macOS 10.6 or later.
- Browser: The latest version of Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox are preferred. Microsoft Edge and Safari are also compatible.
- Adobe Acrobat Reader.
- Software must be installed and fully operational before the course begins.
- Email capabilities and access to a personal email account.
Follow-up to our popular Speed Spanish course with several new ways to help you build fluency.Remember the Magic Circle?
This first lesson reviews Spanish pronunciation to take you closer to the target sounds you will need to make when speaking Spanish. First, you will review Recipes 1 and 2, and pick up an additional speaking template associated with Recipe 2. At the end of this lesson, your pronunciation will be better, and you will know how to apply Recipes 1 and 2 to a variety of Spanish-speaking situations.
Living in the Past
You will spend quite a bit of time in this course learning about the past tense, and that topic starts in this lesson. Once you finish this lesson, you will know when to apply Recipes 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 to present and past tense Spanish-speaking situations.
Get Into the Present
In this lesson, you will learn the past-tense of Recipe 6 and all about Recipe 7. You will learn to pick up the pace by using exercises to help build up your speed in moving from one recipe to another. When you have completed this lesson, you will know lots of vocabulary words, a lot more verbs, more fun phrases, and perhaps most important of all, you will know how to use Recipes 1 through 7 in any Spanish-speaking situation.
Putting It All Together
In this lesson, you will learn to link your recipes so that you can move from one recipe to another without hesitation. Once you're able to do this, you're on your way to becoming more fluent in Spanish. Even so, there will be times when you will have a memory lapse or a verbal breakdown. Not to worry—this lesson shows you how to breakdown in Spanish, making it appear that you think in Spanish.
You Talking to Me?
You will be much less egocentric after you finish this lesson because you will be able to reach out and embrace other people in your Spanish conversations. This lesson teaches you how to incorporate other people into your Spanish. By practicing Recipe 7, you will learn a range of ways to bring other people into your conversations.
Being Familiar
In this lesson, you will continue practice incorporating other people into your Spanish conversations. However, you will also learn to carry on a conversation with some depth, because you will be able to reduce your sentences to short and crisp bursts.
I've Seen the Future
This lesson uses Recipes 1 and 7 to talk about the future. Besides having fun with Recipes 1 and 7 and the future tense, you will learn all about Recipe 8. This one teaches you to use would-related sentences in Spanish. When this lesson is complete, you will be able to get into the past, the present, the future, and the conditional.
Learning to Compare
While the focus of this course is to help you learn recipes for constructing Spanish sentences, you will learn a considerable amount of vocabulary along the way. In this lesson, you will take a pause from the recipes to learn to string lots of adjectives together. When you have completed this lesson, you will be able to speak like a poet—if you want to.
Reviewing our Recipes
In this lesson, you will learn why so-called irregular verbs are not as irregular as you may have thought. There's a pattern to their so-called irregularity. By applying Recipe 7 to these irregular Spanish verbs, you will learn to use them in no time at all. You will also practice most of the recipes you have learned so far so that you can become even more efficient when conversing with Spanish speakers.
Let's Learn Recipe 9
In this lesson, you will learn all about Recipe 9. This recipe will help you become a highly capable storyteller, making past and present events more interesting to your listeners. When you finish this lesson, you will have what it takes to say what you want to say with style and color.
Being Possessive
This lesson is all the different ways to produce possessive expressions. You might know how to translate My house is your house, but do you know how to translate phrases like: This is mine, not yours. Whose is this? Is this hers? Oh, it's theirs, not ours. This lesson will show you how. You will also get some time to practice the recipes and you will even pick up more vocabulary and fun phrases.
Irregular Verbs and Recipe 10
In this lesson, the stories you have been told throughout the course come to a surprising climax, but not before you learn all about Recipe 10. Armed with Recipes 1 through 10, you will be ready to go out and find some Spanish speakers to talk to.