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Understanding Food Choices and Chronic or Complex Illness   

Food choices have a significant impact on health and well being at every stage of life. For people with chronic or serious illness, good nutrition is an essential part of holistic palliative care. In this course, you’ll explore the role of nutrition in palliative care, the importance of food quality, how social determinants of health affect accessibility to healthy food options, and strategies for using healthy food choices to connect families to their culture and identity.

  • Understanding Food Choices and Chronic or Complex Illness
  • Fee: $65.00
    CE Hours: 2

    Food choices have a significant impact on health and well being at every stage of life. For people with chronic or serious illness, good nutrition is an essential part of holistic palliative care. In this course, you’ll explore the role of nutrition in palliative care, the importance of food quality, how social determinants of health affect accessibility to healthy food options, and strategies for using healthy food choices to connect families to their culture and identity.


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