Prepare to test for your HR credentials
To earn your Certified Professional (SHRM - CP) or Senior Certified Professional (SHRM - SCP) credential, you need to meet the experience and education requirements and pass the exam given by the Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM). In-depth preparation for this exam is highly recommended.
EvCC is partnering with the Snohomish County Human Resources Association (SCHRA) to offer an in depth preparation course. This course is taught by an instructor that is a practicing HR industry professional, with an SHRM - CP or SHRM - SCP credential and will cover preparing for the exam, text review, practice exams, and study tools. Includes SHRM Learning System materials. Recommended: Completion of all required courses in the Human Resources Certificate program and pre–approval to take the exam through SHRM.
Includes an optional coordinated study session with SCHRA. Details to be discussed on the first day of class.
- Early Bird Exam Application Deadline is March 19, 2021
- Standard Application Deadline is November 6, 2020
- Spring Testing Window: May 1 - July 15
Visit www.shrmcertification.org for more information about the SHRM - CP and SHRM - SCP examinations and applications.