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Course Catalog > Professional Development > inviteCHANGE Coaching > Continuing Coach Education Programs

IC Generative Team Coaching Part 2   

This advanced coaching education program offers professional development to expand coaching applications from one-to-one into any one-to-many relationship with clients and the environment/system they inhabit. Professional presence and influence style are central to being with a collective in an effective way. Understanding how a collection of people work toward a shared purpose is foundational to using that influence to improve and sustain quality collaborative performance. The program borrows generously from the fields of organizational and leadership development as well as theories about group dynamics, the development arc of teams over time, organizational health, and organizational culture and how cultures evolve.  Development begins with an individual mentor coaching session that tailors a participant development focus to fully embody a coaching mindset when coaching in any one-to-many relationship environment, and to align with their unique set of clients.  This is followed by three more sessions in Part 1, each focused on strengthening self- awareness and capacity to be with the collective field of interaction that is the client for team coaches. All sessions incorporate how to envision, plan, and deliver effective contacting conversations to accelerate the integration of the ICF team core competencies and inviteCHANGE generative team coaching mindset, skills, and behaviors with paying clients for team coaching. Individual mentor coaching continues with two more sessions during Part 2 focused on the direct experience with the client engaged as part of the program requirements.  Coach development through live simulation of team coaching translates knowledge into practice with real-time supportive developmental feedback. Exploration and mastermind discussions occur to identify leading practices in establishing and maintaining agreements, sponsor relationship management, team leader coaching, strengthening team cohesion and sovereignty, and measurement of team effectiveness over time. Templates and tools such as team sovereignty, team eco-system assessment, and mapping the business for measuring effectiveness are provided for participant use and personal branding as they may wish.
IC Generative Team Coaching Part 2 (2 CEUs)
Item: 10835 Location:  Arranged
Dates: 8/8/2024 - 10/31/2024 Fee: $2,100.00
Use this course information to submit your voucher.
  20 hours of training, 7:30am - 9:30am, Part 2.

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