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Continuing Education Course Catalog > Dalhart Campus CE Courses

Nurse Aide for Health Care - Dalhart   

Course Level: Introductory
Course Description: Knowledge, skills, and abilities essential to provide basic care to residents of long-term care facilities. Topics include resident's rights, communication, safety, observation, reporting and assisting residents in maintaining basic comfort and safety. Emphasis on effective interaction with members of the health care team, restorative services, mental health, and social services needs.
End-of-Course Outcomes: Discuss basic care of residents in a long-term care facility; communicate and interact effectively with residents and their families based on sensitivity to the psychosocial needs. Discuss the rights of the residents; provide safety and preventive measures in the care of residents; demonstrate skills in observing and reporting; assist residents in attaining and maintaining maximum functional independence; and function effectively as a member of the health care team.
Licensing/Certification Agency: Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services
Lab Recommended
CIP Code Description: 51.3902 (Nursing Assistant/Aide and Patient Care Assistant/Aide)
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