If you are a Washington State K-12 certified educator and are looking to receive clock hours in return for your successful completion of a Continuing Education (CE) department course, you are required to register for consideration of clock hour issuance each quarter you would like to complete a CE-sponsored course. The cost is $15.00 per class, per quarter. Please register below and notify the Continuing Education department at ce@greenriver.edu in writing following your registration regarding the class(es) you would like to take related to clock hours for the current quarter. You will be contacted further by a Continuing Education staff member once your request has been considered. DO NOT ATTEND ANY CLASSES RELATED TO CLOCK HOURS UNTIL YOU HAVE RECEIVED CONFIRMATION, IN WRITING, FROM A CONTINUING EDUCATION STAFF MEMBER THAT YOUR REQUEST HAS BEEN APPROVED FOR CLOCK HOUR ISSUANCE.
No clock hours, under any circumstances, can be issued without prior approval by the Continuing Education department for a CE-sponsored course. There are absolutely no exceptions to this policy.