You may register online below, or for further assistance please email or call 253-333-6030.
Coding is becoming one of the most in-demand skills in the workplace today. As a result, it has become a core skill that can bolster your chances for becoming a higher value to organizations. The highest demand is for programming languages with broad applicability. In this program, you will be introduced to the basics of computer programming and various programming languages. Then you will acquire the basics of HTML and CSS. You will learn the relationship between these two industry-standard web page coding languages and the step-by-step process of hand coding and building web pages. Finally, you will discover the advanced features of CSS and learn how to use this very powerful language.
The Coding Certificate is offered through our partner, Learning Resources Network, Inc. (aka UGotClass). It is composed of three, month-long courses:
Introduction to Coding – 1 month
Unit 1: Introduction to Programming
- Types of programming languages
- Practical Uses of Programing
- Text Editors
Unit 2: Basic HTML/CSS
- Introduction to HTML
- Introduction to CSS
- Making a Simple Web Page
Unit 3: Drawing and Coloring using Code
- Elements of Java Script
- Basic Drawing Using Code
- Basic Coloring Using Code
Unit 4: Basic Animation using Code
- Uses of Animation
- Animation Basics
- Making a Simple Animation
HTML Fundamentals – 1 month
Unit 1: HTML Basic Tags
- Naming convention
- Tags: h, p, b, i, u, hr, br, attributes
Unit 2: More HTML Tags
Unit 3
- Images
- Directory structure
Unit 4
- Creating a multipage website
- Domains
- Hosting
- Pointing
CSS Fundamentals - 1 month
Unit 1: Getting to Know CSS
- About CSS
- CSS syntax
- CSS types
- Working with internal CSS
- Styling text, styling links, styling lists and styling tables
Unit 2: Using External CSS
- Working with external CSS sheets
- Styling a multi-page website
- Google fonts
- Web colors
Unit 3: div Elements
- id Selectors
- Introduction to <div> elements
- Floating <div> elements
- Clearing Unwanted Floated Elements
- Web page layout using <div> elements
Unit 4: More about div Elements
- Centering a web page
- CSS box model
- Resetting margins and paddings
- Class selectors
- Inline CSS
- <span> tag
An invitation into the online classroom will be emailed to you the Wednesday before the class begins. The subject of the email invitation will be "Lern – Classroom Invitation". Please click to accept the invitation, and from there you will create a password and will be able to access the classroom. If you haven't received an invitation by the Thursday before the course begins, please forward your confirmation email to, and a staff member will resend your invitation.
Once inside the online classroom, here's what you can expect:
Participate When You Want
The online classroom is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. There are no live real-time requirements or meetings. For the best learning, participants should log into the course on 2-3 different days of the week.
What You Will Do
Each course is composed of several units. For each unit, you will:
- Access the online readings
- Listen to the audio presentation for the unit and view the slides
- Take a self-quiz to see how much you have learned
- Engage in written online discussion with your instructor and other participants
The content (readings, audio lectures, slides) and self-quizzes are accessible for the entire course, so you can work ahead, or go back and review again, at your convenience.
The discussion for each unit lasts one week. All comments are made in writing and can be made at any time, day or night. Your instructor will log into the discussion area at least once a day and answer questions, make comments, and respond to comments by you and the other participants. We encourage you to make 2-3 comments each day to maximize your learning and enjoyment of the course.
1. Make at least one comment every week in the discussion.
- The comment should show thought and be more substantive than just “Yes, I agree.” There is no length required for comments.
- Replies to other comments and responses to other participants count as comments (in most cases your instructor values replies and responses as comments).
- Questions and online discussion facilitative comments also count as long as there is some thought to them.
2. Take the self-quiz at the end of every unit.
- You must score 80% or higher.
- You may retake any self-quiz as often as you need to get to the 80% score.
Completion Timeline
- The requirements should be completed by the last day of the course.
- Individual instructors may extend the deadline upon request.
- If, for any reason, you are not able to complete the requirements during the course, UGotClass will provide you with their Course Transfer Option. The course Transfer Option allows you to retake any or all of the same UGotClass online course at a future offering within the next 12 months at no extra cost.
A pdf Certificate of Completion is issued by Learning Resources Network, Inc. and will list Green River College as its partner organization.
Once the program has started, please direct all questions to