"Wow, you have a great voice!” Have you heard that more times than you can count? Or maybe you listen to your favorite audiobooks, commercials, or cartoon characters and think, “I could do that!” Want to earn income using your talents from the comfort of your home? If so, then you could have what it takes to begin working as a professional Voiceover Artist. Explore the voiceover industry with your instructor, a professional, working voice actor from Voices For All, in a one-on-one, personalized, video chat setting.
In this one time, 90-minute, introductory class, you’ll also learn about the different types of voiceovers and the tools you’ll need to find success. Your instructor will record you as you read a real script, taking notes on your performance to create a professional voiceover evaluation delivered to you in a follow up call. You owe it to yourself to finally explore the possibilities of this fun and rewarding field!
Upon registration you will be contacted by Voices For All to schedule your class for a day and time of your convenience.
This course is intended for students age 18 and over. Sorry, this course is not elligible for the senior discount.