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Introduction to the Behavioral Health Technician Profession   

This is a survey course covering the activities, duties, and knowledge base required for employment as a Behavioral Health Technician professional. The course covers systems in which a behavioral health technician may practice and ways of working and interacting with individuals with mental illnesses, intellectual disabilities, substance use disorders, and dementias within a team setting.  This course reviews basic nervous system anatomy, psychological processes, and social aspects influencing the onset and course of mental health problems.  This course then covers how a behavioral health technician would work within a mental healthcare team to improve the lives of individuals with mental illness, intellectual disabilities, substance use disorders, and dementias.

Duration: Course material is approximately 24 hours in length. Students may have up to 12 weeks to complete the course.

Outcomes: After completing this course, the student will be able to:

  1. Understand the scope of practice for behavioral health technician professionals
  2. Describe the relationship between behavioral health technician professionals and others within the mental healthcare field
  3. Comprehend the importance of professional ethics and personal boundaries
  4. Embrace ways of self-care and the prevention of burnout when dealing with the stress of working with individuals with mental illness, intellectual disability, substance use disorders, and dementia
  5. Demonstrate working knowledge of brain anatomy, psychological processes, and social dynamics that influence mental health and illnesses
  6. Understand fundamental characteristics of mental illness, intellectual disability, substance use disorders, dementia, and suicide
  7. Express practical knowledge of treatment modalities for mental illness, intellectual disability, substance use disorders, dementia, and suicide
View the course syllabus document (PDF)

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