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Website Layout & Design   

Short-term Training

Short-term classes start each month - see registration info for specifics.

Creating WordPress Websites
Learn how to create attractive, sophisticated blogs and websites—without any coding! WordPress is the world's most popular website publisher, powering more than 25% of all sites on the Internet. WordPress is an easy-to-use solution that will help you put your site on the Web in far less time than by coding, and at a much lower cost than hiring a professional.
Option: Bundle the Beginning and Intermediate courses together for only $230. Register for Creating WordPress Websites here.

Creating Web Pages
Create and post your very own Web site on the Internet using HTML in this extensive, hands-on, six week workshop. First, you'll learn about the capabilities of the Web and the fundamentals of web design. Then you'll plan the content, structure and layout of your web site, create pages full of well- formatted text, build links, and add color and graphics. You'll also learn critical information on search engine listings, and powerful no- and low-cost web marketing strategies. Register for Creating Web Pages for only $129.

Designing Effective Websites
With all the competition on the Web, creating a site that's effective is more challenging than ever. To do that, you need to employ good design principles. Regardless of your current skills or level of knowledge, in this course you'll master the basics of Web design and learn how to build sites that are better and more effective. Register for Designing Effective Websites for only $129.

Introduction to CSS3 and HTML5
Learn how to create state-of-the-art Web sites using modern CSS3 and HTML5 techniques. Take your existing HTML skills to the next level and start building sites like the pros. Regsiter for Introduction to CSS3 and HTML5 for only $129.

Start-to-Finish Training for Web-Based Careers

These in-depth programs allow you to learn in-demand job skills. You may start anytime and set your own pace to complete in about 6 months. The programs are designed by a team of professionals from each respective field. Instructors/mentors are actively involved in your online learning experience, responding to questions or concerns, as well as encouraging and motivating you to succeed. Click here to see all Media and Design Career Programs.

Earn a Certificate in Web Design

Although these courses don’t require in-depth background, they are great for professionals looking to increase workplace skills and marketability.
  • Introduction to Web Design
  • Fee: $245.00
    Dates: 9/3/2024 - 9/28/2024

    Notes: The online classroom is open 24/7. There are no live real-time requirements or meetings. You decide when you participate. For the best learning, participants should log into the course on at least 2-3 days per week.
    Instructor: Marcus Lander
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  • Intermediate Web Design
  • Fee: $245.00
    Dates: 10/7/2024 - 11/1/2024

    Notes: The online classroom is open 24/7. There are no live real-time requirements or meetings. You decide when you participate. For the best learning, participants should log into the course at least 2-3 days per week.
    Instructor: Marcus Lander
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  • Advanced Web Design
  • Fee: $245.00
    Dates: 11/4/2024 - 11/29/2024

    Notes: The online classroom is open 24/7. There are no live real-time requirements or meetings. You decide when you participate. For the best learning, participants should log into the course on at least 2-3 days per week.
    Instructor: Marcus Lander
     Show More



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