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Personal Trainer Certification   

Become a certified personal trainer in one day with American Aerobics Association International/International Sports Medicine Association (AAAI/ISMA) course. This Personal Trainer Certification is widely accepted in health clubs around the nation.

A written and practical test will be administered at the end of the course. Students must purchase books in advance.

Order your study materials, Exercise Science ($29) and Supplement ($24) or you can purchase the Bonus Buy for ($44),by calling AAAI/ISMA at 609-397-2139 or online at aaai-ismafitness.com


Questions? Click here.


Start date for this class is pending enrollment.

Please call 718-518-6656 for more information or Click here to continue searching for courses.

En este momento no hay clases disponibles. Favor llamar al 718-518-6656 para mas información o Oprima aqui para continuar buscando cursos.

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