F-03 & F-04 Fireguard Test Prep Certification Program   

This program prepares you for the following F.D.N.Y. exams: the F-03 Indoor Place of Assembly Safety Personnel Certificate of Fitness and the F-04 Temporary Place of Assembly Safety Personnel Certificate of Fitness. As a student, you will learn about obstructions and classes of fires, storage of fire extinguishers, sprinkler systems existence and standpipes, as well as basic fire situations, medical emergencies and notification of the proper authorities.

Note: the FDNY mandates that all high rise buildings and business structures, as well as outdoor events, have available personnel who have earned an F-03 or F-04 Certification.


Start date for this class is pending enrollment.

Please call 718-518-6656 for more information or Click here to continue searching for courses.

En este momento no hay clases disponibles. Favor llamar al 718-518-6656 para mas información o Oprima aqui para continuar buscando cursos.

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