Earning a CDA credential will allow you to work with infant, toddler and pre-school aged children (Birth -Age 5) in center based care or as a childcare professional. This program fulfills the 120 hours of professional education covering the 8 CDA subject areas required for the national CDA Credential, awarded through the Council of Professional Recognition. The CDA Credential is the most widely recognized credential in Early Childhood Education (EGE) and is a key stepping stone on the path to career advancement in EGE. CDA is nationally-transferable, credible and a valid credential, recognized by the profession as a vital part of professional development. This program is the first step in the process of earning your CDA Credential. Steps to completing the COA Credentialing process: Step 1 -Complete 120 clock hours of professional education covering the eight CDA Subject Areas Step 2 -Obtain 480 hours of experience working with young children Step 3 -Prepare a CDA Professional Portfolio and complete the documentation collection Step 4 -Submit a completed online CDA application with full payment Step 5 -Take the CDA Exam Step 6 -Complete the CDA Verification Visit Included in the 120-hour course is one hour dedicated to study skills training. Textbook and CDA application fee is not included in the tuition. To order textbook, please visit: https://store.cdacounci I .org/cds-val-pack-ps-2.aspx Prerequisite: Must be at least 18 years of age with a high school diploma or GED.
Please email XCMOTA@hostos.cuny.edu for more information.
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