> Computer Technology Courses

AutoCAD Certificate Program   

AutoCAD (computer-aided design) is a software program used across a wide range of industries, especially in the fields of construction, engineering, graphic design and architecture. The objective of this course is to train students in the basics of orthographic projection theory and allow students to gain proficiency in creating engineering layouts through many hands-on exercises.

· Set up grids and snaps; create geometry using different coordinate systems
· 2-D geometric construction; use of command line; create working drawings
· Add and modify text

By course end, students will have mastered the use of the CAD software and developed skills in 2D geometric construction, with a focus on mechanical drawing. Students also will be able to complete quality projects within prescribed deadlines, as well as communicate effectively using graphic standards.

Textbook is not included in tuition. Please email crivera@hostos.cuny.edu for next course date.


Start date for this class is pending enrollment.

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