Institute for Child Care Training Programs (I.C.C.T.P.)

Who We Are
We are the Institute for Child CareTraining Programs (I.C.C.T.P.) Training Coordinating Agency for Department of Children and Families (D.C.F.) located at Daytona State College.
What We Do
We provide DCF required Child Care Training State Mandated 40 Hour Introductory Training both On-line and instructor led and the Competency Exams face to face for any one currently or plans to be an educator with children ages birth – 5 years (before entering kindergarten).
Director Credential Renewal
Trauma-Informed Care for Child Care Program Directors (TICD)
We provide an instructor led 40-hour Trauma Informed Care for Directors course. For this 40-hour course, 4.0 CEUs may be earned. This course can be used to meet the Florida Director Credential Renewal requirements. CEU assessment. Meets DCF Professional Contribution Requirement.
To Whom We Serve
13 counties, Volusia, Columbia, Dixie, Flagler, Gilchrist, Hamilton, Lafayette, Levy, Putnam, Suwannee, Union, that has Child Care Professionals currently working or plan to work in childcare facilities and/or family child care homes who provide care for ages birth to 5 years.
To Learn More or Login
Visit the DCF Training and Credentialing Site at