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Course Catalog > Leadership and Management

Developing Law Enforcement Managers   

The course focuses on the development, management and leadership of programs within our public safety community. You will learn a process for developing and implementing projects that can be applied to any social harm or public safety function.

Lectures will provide you with information regarding delegation techniques, decision making, selection/retention, and mentoring strategies. You will learn the manager’s obligation to treat the budget as a business. This process will be examined and you will learn leadership traits that can help build respect among your subordinates. There will be an open discussion of the current issues and concerns that managers may be tasked to address.

As part of the class, you will participate in an exercise that will help you understand your individual management style and identify the environment most conducive to success. In addition, you will be required to collaborate in a small group project to address and incorporate current trends in the workplace.

Topics Include

  • Identifying management styles
  • Transitional and successional leadership
  • Effective organization communication
  • Your role in the agency’s public image
  • Cultural change and generational considerations
  • Public safety budgeting
  • Mentoring and retention strategies
  • Early intervention systems
  • Policy development and accreditation philosophy
  • Trending issues in public safety


This course is designed and customized for law enforcement, public safety managers and line supervisors, middle managers, administrators or civilian personnel with program or project development, leadership and oversight responsibility. You are encouraged to have completed IPTM’s Line Supervision and/or Basic Skills for New Supervisors courses, as this curriculum will build on concepts and strategies previously learned.

Course Length

40 hours

What to Bring

We strongly recommend bringing a laptop with wireless connection, Microsoft Word and PowerPoint to fully participate in group activities.

What Our Students Are Saying

  • “Excellent coursework, material, PowerPoint and instructors. Great class!” – M.D.
  • “Not only are the instructors excellent, but also the people this program attracts. I gained a lot of insight from the students as well due to how the instructors facilitated student participation.” – M.I.
  • “Great class. Very useful.” – F.H.
  • “The instructors were very engaging and personable. Great eye contact and group interaction. The information regarding communication techniques was very beneficial.” – J.B.
  • “Retaking the DISC revealed how my assessment has shifted over the years.” – W.U.
  • “It really makes you think like a manager.” – M.F.
  • “This was really excellent and more useful than I expected! Very practical and timely material for those on a supervisory track. Interesting and fun!” – Det. L.P.



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