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Course Catalog > DUI Enforcement

Sobriety Checkpoint Operations (Online)   

NEW FORMAT: This is an independent study, self-paced course.

Presented entirely online, this course is designed for coordinators and supervisors of DUI Sobriety Checkpoints. It is a comprehensive program that covers all aspects of Sobriety Checkpoints, from the initial planning stages through the final reports.

You will learn the proper procedures for planning and setting-up traffic control devices to conduct vehicle checkpoints following the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and appropriate standards and indexes developed by the state and Department of Transportation.

Topics Include

  • Legal issues and considerations
  • Problem identification
  • Site selection
  • Internal and external authorization
  • Operations plans
  • Media coordination
  • Equipment and facility requirements
  • Personnel selection
  • Proper coordination and documentation
  • Use of civilians and volunteers
  • Considerations after the checkpoint


Patrol officers, DUI investigators, traffic unit supervisors and prosecutors

This class is restricted to active law enforcement and prosecuting attorneys employed by governmental agencies.

Course Length

16 hours

Online Details

Online environment: This is an independent study, self-paced course. Although there are no specific times that you must be online, you will be required to complete assignments by the deadlines posted within the course. You should plan to dedicate approximately 16 hours to the course activities. You must be committed to the course and invest the time necessary for successful completion.

Instructors are available to answer your questions during each module via the help forum. The course must be completed within 30 days upon registration. Once the 30-day period has ended, you may no longer have access and be required to re-enroll. Additional fees may apply.

Computer requirements: You will complete the course entirely online. A dependable broadband internet connection with a Windows or Mac computer and Adobe Acrobat Reader (free download) are required. Some assignments will require you to upload a Word document, and either a digital picture or a scanned image of a drawing to complete a project.

What Our Students Are Saying

  • “This was an all-around effective and excellent training program. I have taken many training courses and this is one of the best and therefore worthy of a "5" point rating in each category.” – Police Lieutenant, Guam Police Department
  • “Excellent course. I've taken other courses but the information in this course blows any other out of the water. I've been looking for case law on checkpoints for some time and couldn't find much. Now I know what "unbridled discretion" is, and can’t stop saying it. Our department's checkpoint policies were not up to date and this put me on the right track to change that.”  – SFST/DRE, Cleveland Division of Police
  • "The instructor was easy to get a hold of and fast with commenting and grading. Made it seem as if the course was taught live." – Inv. S.V.
  • "The accessibility of online training is a great benefit. I would not have been able to complete this course otherwise and look forward to more online opportunities." – Supv. M.B.

This course is not eligible for certificate discounts.


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