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Burglary/Robbery Investigations: Current Trends   

This course will provide you with insight into the latest trends of property crimes to include larceny, auto theft, and burglary. It will also give you a well-rounded understanding of the various types of person crimes such as battery, aggravated assault and robbery.

You will learn how burglars approach their crimes, how they learn their trade and the techniques and tools used by today's offenders. When it comes to persons crimes, we'll show you methods for investigating each type and explain how to apply available resources and manage the legal system in order to bring cases to a successful conclusion.

We will present techniques that can help you locate valuable evidence and determine how the crime occurred. You will learn how to identify and gather physical evidence, conduct effective victim/witness interviews, and use subpoenas and search warrants during the course of your investigation. We will also discuss strategies for operational plans, stakeouts, the use of media to solve cases, and the use of informants to help you stop the crimes before they occur.

Topics Include

  • Property crime types
    • Larceny (theft)
    • Auto theft
    • Burglary
  • Person crime types
    • Assault/Battery
    • Robbery
    • Rape (sexual battery)
  • Solvability factors and investigative steps
    • Solvability factors
    • Case status/disposition
    • Investigative procedure/technique
  • Responding to the initial scene
    • Victim/Witness trauma and how to deal with it
    • Victim/Witness/Offender profiling
    • Your leadership role as a detective
    • Crime scene purview
  • Resources and applications
    • Intelligence gathering
    • ViCap/AFIS
    • Background databases
    • Media to solve cases
  • Legal issues
    • 4th, 5th, & 6th Amendments
    • Subpoenas/Warrants
    • Operational plan
  • Interrogation tactics
    • Statement analysis/Truth verification
    • Non-verbal indicators
    • Soliciting a statement
  • Case management
    • Department of Justice UCR
    • National trends
    • Stats and what they mean to you


Patrol officers, new and seasoned detectives, crime scene personnel

This course is restricted to active sworn and non-sworn law enforcement agency personnel.

Course Length

24 hours

What Our Students Are Saying

  • “Gets class involved. Through the class discussions you got to see the different ways of handling the situation.” – J.C.
  • “Excellent course for a new detective.” – J.S.
  • “The course had great learning materials, hands on examples, and great group interaction. Enjoyed all the instructors and their knowledge in different fields.” – K.K.
  • “A great course with a vast amount of information and resources that will be able to make a great investigator.” – L.T.
  • “One of the best courses I have attended. I’m looking forward to attending future IPTM courses.” – Sr. Det. E.L.
  • “Great class and very informative. Everyone is open minded and informative. The instructors make the class fun and everyone was ready to participate. Identified problems any officer might be having with a case at home.” – Dep. A.W.
  • “Every instructor that participated in this course was excellent. They presented excellent info in their particular field. Everyone provided information I will use in the future at my work.” – Dep. B.

Currently, there are no open enrollment classes scheduled for this course.  Click here to continue searching for other courses.

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