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Course Catalog

Crimes Against Children   

In this fast-paced course, you will learn processes and techniques that apply specifically to crimes against children. From the initial call to the courtroom, you’ll receive an in-depth analysis of investigative methodologies you can use to solve these crimes.

We will examine the persistent patterns of behavior of the seven types child molesters and teach you effective techniques for interviewing these criminals. We will also help you develop the skills needed to conduct forensic interviews of child victims and witnesses.

Using case studies, we will introduce you to the different classifications of evidence and how each applies to your investigation. You will learn how to prepare an expert search and seizure warrant for a preferential child molester to include seizing child pornography, child erotica, DNA and computer evidence.

Finally, we will discuss the criteria for amber alerts and the importance of the initial response to a child abduction. You will learn how to develop a Child Abduction Response Team (CART)–a multidiscipline, multijurisdictional team of experts–and how it can greatly improve your ability to recover a missing child.

Topics Include

  • Definitions and diagnostic criteria for the DSM-5
  • Patterns, behaviors and characteristics of offenders
  • Pedophilia and offender
  • Investigative and interviewing techniques
  • Preparing an expert search and seizure warrant
  • Emerging investigative strategies
  • Forensic interviews of a child
  • Understanding predatory behaviors
  • Developing a Child Abduction Response Team (CART)


It is recommended, but not mandatory, that you have completed a basic investigations course or have the knowledge of proven investigative techniques necessary to investigate most crimes against children cases.


Patrol officers, newly assigned and seasoned detectives, investigations supervisors, crime scene technicians, military investigative personnel, non-sworn personnel who participate in investigations, and prosecutor’s office personnel who investigate and prosecute crimes against children

This class is restricted to active sworn and non-sworn law enforcement, investigators, and prosecuting attorneys employed by governmental agencies.

Course Length

24 hours

What Our Students Are Saying

  • “Enjoyed the case studies related to typologies and how they are diagnosed and apprehended for an interview.” – Det. E.S.
  • “Great enthusiastic instructor who was extremely engaging and knowledgeable. He has vast knowledge of subject matter and I would highly recommend him.” – Det. J.J.
  • “The instructor’s knowledge of the topic was very beneficial.” – Lt. M.L.
  • “I benefitted the most from learning new case law related to subject and how to interview suspects of child crimes. Great class and great instructor.” – Det. D.H.
  • “Outstanding course!” – Det. T.C.



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