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Tactical Medical for Patrol Officers (Online)   

This is an independent study, self-paced course.

As a first responder, you need to know how to effectively deal with difficult and unusual injuries that could be life threatening. This online course will provide tactical medical field techniques for several challenging scenarios, including high velocity and low velocity bullet wounds, blunt and penetration injuries, critical chest wounds, tourniquet application, and more.

No matter how rapid the arrival of professional emergency responders, the patrol officer will usually be first on the scene and may need to act immediately to save the injured victim on scene, including a fellow officer. For example, a person can die from blood loss within five minutes, so quickly stopping the bleeding is critical. As a first responder you will often be best positioned to provide immediate care, but only if you are equipped with the appropriate training and resources.

Topics Include

  • Basic tactical care under fire
  • Basic tactical field care
  • Basic tactical evaluation care


Law enforcement, military, and other first responders.

This course is restricted to sworn and non-sworn law enforcement personnel.

Course Length

8 hours


Tuition includes a training Individual First Aid Kit (IFAK) that will be shipped to you upon registration. You will need the IFAK for practical exercises during the class.

Online Details

Online environment: This is an independent study, self-paced course. Although there are no specific times that you must be online, you will be required to complete assignments by the deadlines posted within the course. You should plan to dedicate approximately eight hours to the course activities. You must be committed to the course and invest the time necessary for successful completion.

Instructors are available to answer your questions during each module via the help forum. The course must be completed within 30 days upon registration. Once the 30-day period has ended, you may no longer have access and be required to re-enroll. Additional fees may apply.

Computer requirements: You will complete the course entirely online. A dependable broadband internet connection with a Windows or Mac computer and Adobe Acrobat Reader (free download) are required.

What Our Students Are Saying

  • “Good references and materials.” – Ofc. A.B.

This course is not eligible for certificate discounts.


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