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Fundamentals of Traffic Crash Dynamics   

Dynamics is a subject that can be quite complex and daunting. However, it need not be when we look to real world problems. Analyzation of problems that are encountered enables you to break complex problems into bite-sized pieces that may be solved with relatively simple math. Problems in traffic crash dynamics are less about the math used to solve the problem than your ability to define the problem and realize in what direction the solution should take. In other words, let the problem tell you how to solve it. This requires a good problem-solving strategy that involves both sketching out the problem and developing a basic understanding of fundamental dynamics involved.

Topics Include

  • Concepts in physics
  • Forces acting on stopping vehicles
  • Application of Conservation of Linear Momentum
  • Understanding spin analyses and critical speed yaw
  • Pole and narrow object impacts
  • Concepts in rotational mechanics
  • Time-distance analyses and projects
  • Damage momentum and damage energy analysis
  • Uniform projectile motion and airborne speed analysis
  • Fundamentals of rollover crash investigation


Law enforcement and private traffic crash investigators, claims adjusters, engineers, prosecuting attorneys, safety officers, military investigative personnel, animators, and graphic designers. It will also be quite useful for those teaching traffic crash reconstruction to their respective agencies or groups.

Course Length

40 hours


You must have successfully completed IPTM’s Traffic Crash Reconstruction course, or its equivalent OR senior level or above Civil Engineering students or practitioners.

What to Bring

  • Notetaking materials
  • Scientific calculator

ACTAR Information

IPTM's Introduction to Traffic Crash Dynamics course is eligible for 40 ACTAR CEUs. 




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