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Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement   

This 16-hour course is intended to bridge the gap between the SFST and DRE courses. You will learn how to observe, identify and articulate the signs of impairment related to drugs, alcohol or a combination of both. Please see the prerequisites below.

You will be given an overview of the seven types of drug categories and the physiological effects these drugs have on the human body. In addition, you will learn of medical conditions and other situations that can produce similar signs of impairment. The role of eye examinations in disclosing the possibility of drug impairment, and in suggesting the possible category or categories of drugs being used, will be discussed.

You will receive the latest updates in Standardized Field Sobriety Testing. We will also explain the legal issues associated with impaired driving as well as pre- and post-arrest procedures.

Topics Include

  • The concept of “drugs” in the context of DWI enforcement
  • The role of eye examinations in disclosing the possibility of impairment
  • Medical conditions and other situations that can produce similar signs of impairment
  • Identification of the major categories of drugs
  • The observable effects of each of the seven major categories of drugs
  • The physiological effects likely to result from various combinations of drugs
  • Appropriate procedures for dealing with drug-impaired or medically-impaired suspects
  • Standardized Field Sobriety Test update
  • Legal issues associated with impaired driving
  • Pre- and post-arrest procedures


Patrol officers, DUI investigators and supervisors, prosecutors, and those aspiring to become Drug Recognition Experts

This class is restricted to active, sworn law enforcement personnel and prosecuting attorneys employed by governmental agencies.

Florida Students: FDOT grant-funded seats are available to Florida sworn law enforcement personnel only (federal and military law enforcement personnel in Florida do not qualify).

Course Length

16 hours


You must have successfully completed the IACP/NHTSA National DWI Detection and Standardized Field Sobriety Testing (SFST) program or equivalent. You must also demonstrate proficiency in administering the Standardized Field Sobriety Testing battery in order to successfully complete this course. A maximum of two attempts at the proficiency testing is allowed.


This training will NOT qualify an officer to serve as a Drug Recognition Expert. This course does include the former 8-hour Drugs That Impair Driving curriculum.

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What Our Students Are Saying

  • “Fantastic content and instruction; 100% worth using my own PTO to attend.” – E.S. -  Officer
  • “These instructors are the Best! They are very knowledgeable and enjoy what they teach. Great personalities that would well together. “ – S.E - Officer.
  • “Good valuable information to assist with DUI-Drug investigations.” – D.N.
  • “Excellent course to include detailed SFSTs and understanding drug matrix.” – N.R.
  • “Both instructors were able to paint the picture and help me understand each topic very well.” – O.M.
  • “Very good information for DUI enforcement and investigation. Great lead into DRE. VERY knowledgeable instructors.” – M.A.
  • “The course was clear and easy to understand. I enjoyed the class and how the instructors presented the materials. I am looking forward to utilizing my new tools in the field.” – J.D.
  • Officer Kolak is an awesome instructor. He is very well spoken, very experienced, and has they ability to present the information in a superior way. Thank you! – E.G - Patrol Officer




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