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Integrated Pest Management for the Home Garden   

All gardeners at some point have to deal with garden pests. In today’s online world, there’s a lot of information out there, good and bad; sometimes it’s tough to even know where to start looking for information. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a practical six step strategy used in gardens big and small to monitor and manage insects, diseases, and other pests. In practice, IPM helps promote ecosystem balance, increases treatment success, and saves you time and money. Over the course of three meetings, we will discuss 1) how to identify garden pests, 2) how to determine if, when and what treatments should be applied, and 3) some steps you can take to increase your garden’s resilience to pest populations. This course will have indoor and outdoor classroom and hands-on experiences. At the end of the course, you will receive a packet of seeds for plants that will attract beneficial insects to your garden, a hand lens, and an IPM for the Home Garden reference manual.


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