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> Fast Track > Skilled Trades

Welding Prep   

Learn about welding/fabrication careers and various welding techniques.  Engage with regional employers and prepare for advanced training and entry-level fabrication careers.  This session will include off-site tours to visit local employers.

Please select only ONE free fast track program. 

  • Welding Prep
  • CRN 50306
    Fee: $0.00
    Capacity Remaining: 3
    Dates: 12/9/2024 - 12/12/2024
    Times: 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM
    Days: M Tu W Th
    Sessions: 4
    Building: Science & Technology Building, Utica Campus
    Room: 109 Lab - Gas/Elec. Arc Welding
     Show Description

    Course Cost: $1000
    Your Cost: $0 due to Fast Track Funding


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