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> Fast Track

Teaching Assistant Prep   

This program prepares individuals to seek Level 1 Teacher Assistant Certification. Trainees will complete the following mandatory workshops: Child Abuse Identification, School Violence Intervention and Prevention, & DASA.  Directions on how to register for NYS ATAS and complete fingerprinting will be addressed, as well as tools for your job search and interviewing. ATAS test prep will be covered. This course is free due to Fast Track funding. 

Please select only ONE free fast track program. 



  • Teaching Assistant Prep
  • Fee: $0.00
    CRN: 61364
    THIS CLASS IS FULL. Please click the "Add to Waitlist" button below.

  • Teaching Assistant Prep
  • CRN 61365
    Fee: $0.00
    Capacity Remaining: 2
    Dates: 3/17/2025 - 3/20/2025
    Times: 8:30 AM - 1:30 PM
    Days: M Tu W Th
    Sessions: 4
    Building: Wilcox Hall, Utica Campus
    Room: 219 CCED Computer Lab

    This program prepares individuals to seek Level 1 Teacher Assistant Certification. Trainees will complete the following mandatory workshops: Child Abuse Identification, School Violence Intervention and Prevention, & DASA.  Directions on how to register for NYS ATAS and complete fingerprinting will be addressed, as well as tools for your job search and interviewing. ATAS test prep will be covered. This course is free due to Fast Track funding. 

    Please select only ONE free fast track program. 

    Course Cost: $1000
    Your Cost: $0 due to Fast Track Funding


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