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Course Catalog > On Demand Online Learning > Technology

Generate a User Experience (UX) Onboarding Map in Miro   


By the end of this project, you will be able to generate a user experience onboarding map to visualize the complete entry process that a user has at the start of their relationship with a brand so that an organization can grow longevity by ensuring that they get off on the right foot with users.

To do this you will gain hands-on experience exercising empathy to accurately document brand touchpoint, pain points, and gain points across the onboarding journey in the Miro online visual collaboration platform for teamwork.

Note: This course works best for learners who are based in the North America region. We’re currently working on providing the same experience in other regions.

Difficulty Level: INTERMEDIATE

Estimated Learning Time:  2 hours


Course Instructor PhotoTricia Bagley
Data Scientist
Freedom Learning Group

  • Generate a User Experience (UX) Onboarding Map in Miro
  • Fee: $59.00

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