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Good Eats on a Budget   

With food costs on the rise many of us are looking for cost-effective meals that taste good without costing a fortune. Join Chef Michele and cook up a delicious cost-conscious meal featuring pan roasted chicken, a hearty salad with homemade vinaigrette, and fruit crisp dessert, as well as receive tips on how to use online tools to crunch the numbers of your favorite recipes and streamline your shopping list. A prep packet with a shopping list, quick start instructions and recipes will be sent prior to class.

Please note: The session fee is per household so you can have as many cooks in your kitchen as you like! Only one person in the household is required to register and pay for the class. Classes are 2-3 hours, unless otherwise noted. Each class is a password-protected Zoom session, and you'll receive an email with a session ID and password prior to your class. Classes are recorded so you will have access to the re-play as well!


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