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Charcoal Drawing   

Learn the basics of charcoal in this introductory drawing class. We will explore reduction and additive techniques while working from observation and still lifes. Learn to push and pull light by examining tonal values. We will focus on the building blocks of drawing including composition, line, shape, value, proportion, and gesture. This class is designed for all levels. 

  • Charcoal Drawing

  • REGISTRATION CLOSES ONLINE the day before the first class.
  • Call Continuing Education durring office hours to register if this class has not yet started. 206-934-3705

  • Item: 13606   Fee: $135.00

    Instructor: Rebecca Johnston

  • Dates: 7/11/2024 - 8/15/2024  Times: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

    Sessions: 6 Th; 12 hours

  • Building: North Campus   Room: Continuing Ed 3201

  • Location: , WA

  • Students who take this class are invited to participate in our Summer CE Student Art Show. Visit our Art Show page for more information.

    Supplies are required for this class. Click here to download the list and other important details.

    Click here for a map and instructions for finding your classroom.

  • CE classes are intended for adults 18 and up unless otherwise noted. Please see Continuing Education Policies to learn more about our underage waiver, refund, and cancellation policies.



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