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The Secrets of Powerful Writing   

Good writing doesn't have to be hard if you know the secrets! Whatever you write, professional or personal, you'll benefit from being able to express yourself clearly and directly. In this hands-on class you'll learn to clarify your message, communicate complex information, avoid common mistakes, edit and proofread your writing, use proper grammar and punctuation, communicate on social and electronic media, and more.

  • The Secrets of Powerful Writing

  • REGISTRATION CLOSES ONLINE the day before the first class.
  • Call Continuing Education durring office hours to register if this class has not yet started. 206-934-3705

  • Item: 38829   Fee: $135.00

    Instructor: Christine Dubois

  • Dates: 10/1/2024 - 10/22/2024  Times: 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

    Sessions: 4 Tu; 6 hours

  • Building: Online   Room: Canvas and Zoom

  • Location: , WA

  • CE classes are intended for adults 18 and up unless otherwise noted. Please see Continuing Education Policies to learn more about our underage waiver, refund, and cancellation policies.



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