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Writing A Short Memoir   

Turn your life experiences--dramatic and everyday--into a powerful short memoir. If you've wanted to write about your life but don't have time to tackle a book project, this class is for you! Tell the story of your life in bite-sized chunks. This class will lead you step-by-step through writing a short memoir piece: from selecting and reflecting on your experience, to writing and publishing your story. By the end of the class, you'll have a short memoir piece ready to publish.

  • Writing A Short Memoir 

  • Item: 38830        Fee: $135.00

    Instructor: Christine Dubois

  • Dates: 11/6/2024 - 11/20/2024   Times: 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

  • Sessions: 3 W; 6 hours

  • Building: Online   Room: Canvas and Zoom

  • Note for virtual classes: You will receive an email 2 business days before your class starts with the login information. If you do not receive the email, contact us at so we can make sure you can join your class.

  • CE classes are intended for adults 18 and up unless otherwise noted. Please see Continuing Education Policies to learn more about our underage waiver, refund, and cancellation policies.

    Are you an au pair? Do you need documentation for work that you attended class? Don’t forget to register for the CEU or Clock Hours fee.


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