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It's Never Too Late to Begin Again: A Julia Cameron Journey, Part 1   

Each of us is creative and has something meaningful to share with others. In her recent book, It's Never Too Late to Begin Again, based on her groundbreaking, The Artist's Way, Julia Cameron explores creativity in midlife and beyond. Retirement can be a richly rewarding experience, a time to revisit previous dreams, begin new projects, and rewrite our futures. In Part I of this course, we will focus on the first half of the book, chapters one through six, as we kindle the creative spirit through four basic practices: daily morning pages, weekly artist dates, twice-weekly solo walks, and a weekly in-class guided process to trigger and record memories that could develop into a memoir written in manageable chunks. Julia Cameron says all it takes to rediscover creativity are "passion, commitment, and the courage to be a beginner." Each class meeting will include time for sharing experiences, goals, and individual journeys to nurture personal creativity and inspire others. Textbook: "It's Never Too Late to Begin Again" by Julia Cameron.


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