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Mixed Media Self Abstraction   

Discover your own creative language and use it to develop your artistic practice. In this class we will use multiple mediums and learn new techniques to push ourselves in exploring self-expression. This class is perfect for someone who has taken abstract art classes before and is wondering "What next?". We will combine mediums: watercolor, acrylic, collage, pencil, oil pastel, and ink. We will explore the use of symbols, written words, texture, drawing and the use of representational images. The goal of this class is to access ourselves as a source for expression; to find an abstract narrative that resonates with you. 2D abstract class experience is helpful. 

  • Mixed Media Self Abstraction • SPRING  - Registration for Spring Quarter opens on Feb 10, 2025

  • Item: 28684        Fee: $336.00

    Instructor: Ryan Hamburger

  • Dates: 4/16/2025 - 6/18/2025   Times: 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM

  • Sessions: 10 W; 30 hours

  • Building: North Campus   Room: Continuing Ed 3201

  • Note for virtual classes (Building listed as "online"): You will receive an email 2 business days before your class starts with the login information. If you do not receive the email, contact us at so we can make sure you can join your class.

  • Supplies are required for this class. Click here to download the supply list and other important information.
    Students enrolled in this class are invited to participate in our Summer CE Student Art Show. Visit our Art Show page for more details.

    Click here for a map and detailed instructions to help you find your classroom.

  • CE classes are intended for adults 18 and up unless otherwise noted. Please see Continuing Education Policies to learn more about our underage waiver, refund, and cancellation policies.

  • Are you an au pair? Do you need documentation for work that you attended class? Don’t forget to register for the CEU or Clock Hours fee.


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