Sign In | View Cart | | Help | Search Home Print Course information Email me when offered Return to Course Catalog Course Catalog Easy Puff Pastry Desserts Puff pastry can be intimidating but not in this class! Chef Michele will show you the easy way to make French apple tarts, cherry turnovers, and classic cheese Danish perfect for anytime of the year. A prep packet will be sent five days prior to class. The session fee is per household; only one person in the household is required to register and pay for the class. Each class is a password-protected Zoom session, and you'll receive an email with a session ID and password prior to your class. Classes are recorded so you will have access to the re-play, as well! Please note that courses can be found under the sub-category of the following headers: Adult Family Home Arts Computer Enrichment Fitness Food and Wine Home and Garden Language Professional Some Title Alert