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Course Catalog > Professional > Clock Hours and CEUs

Clock Hours Fee   

Teachers who would like to earn Clock Hours with the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction for their Continuing Education class can do so by registering for this Clock Hours Fee. Pay this fee one time each quarter and earn clock hours for multiple classes! In order to grant clock hours, we need attendance verification from the course instructor through a signed Clock Hours Reporting Form (provided upon registration) or Certificate of Completion for online courses. *Online courses must be instructor-led. Self-paced courses are NOT approved for clock hours. See Clock Hours for more information and list of approved courses. Au pairs who need credits should sign up for the CEU fee, NOT the Clock Hours fee.
  • Clock Hours Fee 

  • Item: 14366   

  • Fee: $30.00

  • No set class time. 

  • CEU Fee: Continuing Education Units or CEUs verify the completion of a class which is often required of individuals employed as au pair(s) in the US.

    Clock Hours Fee: Teachers can earn Clock Hours with the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction for their Continuing Education class.


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