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ACE: Introductory Fundamentals of Anesthesia Technology   

Introductory Fundamentals of Anesthesia Technology – ACE 1113: 13 clock hours
13 hours of lecture time (1.6 hours of l asynchronous lectures per week for 8-weeks with ancillary assignments and readings delivered in an asynchronous format)

This is an Online only Course 

Course Description:
This course introduces the fundamentals behind anesthesia practice and its relationship to the standard physiological patient. In addition, the student will be introduced to the theory and concepts around the forms of anesthesia delivery, stages of anesthesia, physiology focused around the anesthesia practice, basic anesthetic monitoring, and advanced modes of anesthesia monitoring.

Course Student Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of ATB-1113 Introductory Fundamentals of Anesthesia Technology, the learner will demonstrate competencies related to providing competent anesthesia technology services. To do so, the learner will be able to:
1. Apply theoretical knowledge of anesthesia equipment needed for a variety of surgical cases.
2. Summarize the proper basic anesthesia setup for a variety of surgical cases.
3. Apply concepts and basic theoretical knowledge of functioning as an Anesthesia Technologist in the anesthesia care environment.
4. Apply the foundational principles of anesthesia technology in the perioperative environment.

Additional Information

  • For those seeking to use these courses toward Cer.A.T. and Cer.A.T.T. recertification upon completion you will earn 13-CEUs. 
  • For those pursuing the Practical Experience Pathway, Certificate will be sent to you upon successful completion of the course. 
  • After successfully completing ACE-1113 and ACE-1213 the student will receive a "Basic Anesthesia Technologist" micro-credential from OCCC. 
ACE: Introductory Fundamentals of Anesthesia Technology 01113
Instructor: Fee: $300.00
Schedule: 1/20/2025 - 3/16/2025 Days: 8
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
An introductory email providing expectations, syllabus and general directions will be sent one week prior on Monday, Januay 13th.  

Some Title

7777 South May Avenue
Oklahoma City, OK 73159-4444
Phone: 405-682-1611

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