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Course Catalog > Micro-credential

Correctional Officer Implicit Bias   

Implicit bias in corrections presents unique workforce challenges. Earners (current/future Corrections Officers) will learn how to navigate challenges through a series of topics to build implicit bias literacy. Topics with practical application to the corrections’ environment. This is an informative and reflective professional development opportunity. Correction Officers champion safety and security within correctional institutions. This course aims to further develop skills pertinent to safety and security goal achievement.  

Course Objectives

  • Identify and understand key factors in the corrections workplace.
  • Analyze implicit bias as an instinctual survival mechanism with life experience influences.
  • Focus on individual and collective implicit bias awareness and consequence.
  • Assess implicit bias implications to escalate or de-escalate interactions.
  • Identify and implement new behavior and communication habits to limit implicit bias.
  • Create a framework to leverage effective working relationships with detainees and other correction partners to reach safety and security goals. 

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7777 South May Avenue
Oklahoma City, OK 73159-4444
Phone: 405-682-1611

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