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> Audit Courses > English Literature

ENGLIT Introduction To Literature 0300 - 19350   

It is your responsibility to verify final class times and locations the week before class. This information as well as the course description can be found at: At the latest, a week before classes, notify your instructor that you are taking the class and ask if they are using Canvas. Give them your Pitt account name and ask them to add you to Canvas as a student. You should also give them your home email address for emergencies. If you do not have your Pitt account name by the week before classes, contact Pat Szczepanski at You can verify your instructor’s name at and then find the email address at Watch your email for further instructions on how to audit a class. Orientations will be held in April. You are expected to attend one of the orientations, failure to do so could affect your ability to take the class. Approval to audit any class can be revoked at any time for any reason.

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