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> OLLI Courses By Topic > Political, Social Sciences & Society

Ending Poverty in America   

America, one of the richest nations in the world, has extreme economic inequality and poverty. This course will cover seven of the most important books in recent years on poverty and how to end it. The instructor will lecture on one or two books each week with time for class discussion. The books are: Pulitzer Prize winner Evicted (Desmond, 2017); Poverty, by America (Desmond, 2023); Not a Crime to Be Poor (Edelman, 2019); Poorly Understood: What America Gets Wrong About Poverty (Rank et al., 2021); Broke in America (Goldblum and Shaddox, 2022); The Poverty Industry (Hatcher, 2019); and Injustice, Inc.: How America’s Justice System Commodifies Children and the Poor (Hatcher, 2023). Class members do not need to purchase books. The focus will be on the extent of and trends in poverty, demographic differences, causes, and solutions.

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